back of professor in front of classroom filled with smiling students


The English Department at Columbia State fosters an inclusive learning environment to prepare students to communicate effectively, think critically, and engage creatively. Through supportive instruction, our English faculty prioritize student success to empower learners to achieve their academic, professional, and personal goals. By inspiring a lifelong appreciation for language, literature, and diverse perspectives, the English Department contributes to the advancement and success of our community.


Workforce Skills Developed through College Level English Courses

Communication: Clear, effective communication is a cornerstone of professional success, and our courses prepare students to communicate well in both written and verbal formats.

Critical Thinking: Students are equipped with the tools to analyze and evaluate information critically, an essential skill for problem-solving and decision-making in any career.

Research and Information Literacy: Our courses train students to locate, assess, and apply information from diverse sources, an increasingly valuable skill in today’s information-rich world.

Creativity and Artistic Expression: Exposure to literature, diverse viewpoints, and creative expression enhances students’ ability to think innovatively and adapt to new challenges.

Ethical Reasoning: Students engage with ethical dilemmas in literature and society, honing their ability to make decisions rooted in integrity and ethical considerations. Time Management and Organization: Balancing academic responsibilities fosters the development of effective time management strategies that transfer directly to the professional world.

Sample Academic Plan
To learn more about suggested classes needed to complete the program of study, please go to the Sample Academic Plan for Loading...

English Courses

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"My favorite thing about Columbia State is the people and the open environment that feels like family." ~Gerald Wynn, graduate and SKD member
Gerald Wynn
inside of old house Perceptions Perceptions is Columbia State's Journal and is published every spring with poetry, prose and photography from students, faculty and staff. Perceptions
blocks with English printed on them Sigma Kappa Delta Sigma Kappa Delta, the national English honor society for two-year colleges, promotes honors excellence in English. Members enjoy writing, reading, discussion, and fellowship. Email Dr. Evans

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