Readmission Requirements and Procedures
Readmission Requirements
Students who exit the program—whether due to withdrawal or failing grades—prior to the second semester are not eligible for readmission to the program. A formal appeal based on extenuating circumstances will be considered for readmission into the first semester.
Only one readmission into the second, third, or fourth semesters of the nursing program is permitted. Readmission to the program is not guaranteed, regardless of the reason for dismissal. Students are readmitted on a space available basis for each nursing course. Students who are seeking readmission within a three-year period may be readmitted into the course they were enrolled at the point of exit. If three years or more have elapsed since enrollment in nursing courses, all nursing courses must be repeated. An Exit Interview and Readmission Form must be on file to be eligible for readmission.
- To be eligible for readmission, the student’s overall college-level GPA must be at least 2.0 or higher.
- An exit interview must be completed during the term the student withdrew. Students who fail a course or withdraw after completing the semester must complete the exit interview no later than six weeks following the end of the semester in which they were enrolled.
- All clinical access clearance requirements including criminal background check and routine drug screening must be resubmitted prior to re-entry by any student who exits the program for any reason and is subsequently readmitted.
Readmission Procedures
- Provide written documentation on the Exit Interview form stating the reason(s) for withdrawal or failure and indicating the actions to be taken to ensure success in the program if readmitted. This documentation must be submitted before a student will be considered for readmission.
- Complete a Readmission Application with a nursing faculty member or Director. This documentation must be submitted before a student will be considered for readmission.
- If eligible, the student will be placed on a waiting list for an available seat in a specific nursing course.
- The Nursing Department Admissions Committee or nursing program director may elect to interview students seeking readmission. Applicants will be notified by mail when and where the interviews will be held.
- Students who are readmitted may be asked to validate clinical skills and/or knowledge obtained from previous nursing courses as outlined by the faculty.
- The Nursing Program Director will notify students seeking readmission of their status.