Tennessee Board of Regents to meet June 16-17. Agenda includes proposed budgets & tuition for 2022-23, policy revisions

The Tennessee Board of Regents will hold its next regular quarterly meeting on June 16-17 at Columbia State Community College. The agenda includes operating budgets and tuition for fiscal year 2022-23, capital budget requests for campus construction projects for fiscal year 2023-24 and several proposed policy changes.
The Tennessee Board of Regents governs the state’s public community colleges and Tennessee Colleges of Applied Technology. TBR staff is recommending no increase in tuition or fees for the next academic year, thanks to increased state funding approved by Governor Bill Lee and the Tennessee General Assembly and savings and efficiencies at our colleges.
The Board’s standing committees will meet Thursday, June 16, 2022, starting at 1 p.m. with the External Affairs Committee and continuing consecutively with the Finance and Business Operations Committee, Workforce Development Committee, Personnel and Compensation Committee, and Academic Policies and Programs and Student Life Committee. The full Board meeting will start at 9 a.m. Friday, June 17. All meetings are in the Cherry Theater of the Waymon L. Hickman Building on the Columbia State main campus at 1665 Hampshire Pike, Columbia.
The meetings are open and will be live-streamed and archived on the TBR website at https://https://https://https://https://www.tbr.edu/board/june-2022-quarterly-board-meeting-2022-quarterly-board-meeting-2022-quarterly-board-meeting.-2022-quarterly-board-meeting.-2022-quarterly-board-meeting. The complete agendas and materials for the committee and Board meetings are also posted on the meeting webpage. Anyone needing accommodations for the meetings should contact Board Secretary Mariah Perry by 3 p.m. on Wednesday, June 15.
Agenda items recommended for approval by the committees on Thursday will be considered by the full Board as part of its review of the committee reports on Friday. Tuition and fees, operating budgets and capital project requests will be considered by the Finance and Business Operations Committee, along with proposed revisions on policies on fees, charges, refunds and payments at Community Colleges and TCATs and Institutional Financial Performance Review.
The Personnel and Compensation Committee will consider proposed revisions in these policies: Alternate Work Arrangements; Faculty Compensation During Summer Session; Outside Employment and Extra Compensation for Additional Assignments; Commissioning of Law Enforcement and Security Personnel and Sick Leave. The committee agenda also includes consideration of compensation plans and strategies, faculty and president emeritus designations, promotion recommendations for faculty, executive incentive payments and other items.
The Academic Policies and Programs and Student Life Committee will consider proposed new programs and modifications of existing programs at the Colleges of Applied Technology.
In addition to the committee reports, the full Board on Friday will consider the Motlow State Community College strategic plan, the election of the Board’s vice chair for 2022-23 and resolutions of appreciation for Board members whose terms are expiring and Presidents and TBR senior staff who are retiring.
The full agendas are posted on the TBR website at https://https://https://https://https://www.tbr.edu/board/june-2022-quarterly-board-meeting-2022-quarterly-board-meeting-2022-quarterly-board-meeting.-2022-quarterly-board-meeting.-2022-quarterly-board-meeting.