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Ghosts in Our Midst Lecture

Date & Time:
Wednesday, October 27, 2021
9 p.m. — 10 p.m.

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There are a variety of apps for tracking ghosts and our intrepid crew will use ipads, iphones and other devices to track down the ghosts on Columbia State’s main campus. Some of the ghosts could be teaching your classes! You never know who is on zoom lurking in the shadows. Join us for a ghost hunt. Many of our crew will be wearing Halloween costumes and some may be dressed as ghostbusters. Join us for a comical search for the mysterious and arcane on our campus. It has been a spooky year and this may be the perfect time to exorcise your ghosts.

Zoom link: https://columbiastate.zoom.us/j/3416150757 

Ghosts in Our Midst Lecture