people holding question mark sign


Do I have to attend Orientation?

Yes. All first time freshman and students transferring in with less than 24 credit hours are required to attend Orientation.

More questions? Email

Do I have to meet with an advisor? Why?
Can my parent or spouse check on my account for me?
How long will it take for my admissions documents to be processed?
What is the difference between a partial and final transcript?
My school closed. How do I request my official transcript?
I was independently home school. Is my transcript considered official?
I completed the HiSET or GED exam. Can I still be admitted to Columbia State?
Do I need ACT or SAT scores to be admitted to Columbia State?
I'm being charged both in- and out-of-state tuition. Why is that?
Why do I have to fill out a residency application?
Can I log into MyChargerNet before I am admitted?
I received my PVT username and password in my acceptance letter, but I can't log into MyChargerNet. What do I do?
I don't know my PVT username. Where can I find it?
Where can I find my Columbia State ID (aka "A" number) in MyChargerNet?
Where can I find my advisor in MyChargerNet?
Where can I register for classes in MyChargerNet?
Where can I view holds on MyChargerNet?
Where can I check my Financial Aid status in MyChargerNet?
Where can I confirm and pay for classes in MyChargerNet?